PV Off-Grid System

Solar PV Off-Grid System

Also referred to as stand-alone systems, it is designed to be independent of the power grid. Batteries are used to store energy when the sun is not an available during cloudy days or at night. This type of system will require regular attention to battery electrolyte levels and terminal corrosion.

  1. Independence from the utility grid
  2. Not subject to the terms/policies of the utility company
  3. Rate increases, blackouts, or brownouts do not apply
  4. In remote areas, it is cost effective than extending a grid
  5. Encourages energy efficiency
  6. Batteries require maintenance and has limited life
  7. More components means more complexity
  8. Batteries decrease system efficiency
  9. It is more expensive than a grid-direct system
  10. When the batteries are fully charged, potential power from the PV array is not utilized
  11. If the PV system fails, back-up electricity is required to run load
  12. Most off-grid systems use a backup generator for non-sunny days. They are expensive, noisy, dirty, and require fuel and regular maintenance